Membership Covenant
Jesus Christ is my Savior and King. His death was my death, His life is now my life, and I will be resurrected with Him in eternity. He is my everything and I am nothing apart from Him.
For this reason, I have communicated to the world and the Church my new life in Jesus by submitting to baptism. I willingly participate in the life of True North Church.
I BELONG first to Jesus, and then to His church. I belong to the global Church and body of Christ as a born again disciple of Jesus. I belong to True North Church as a local member by joining with the members and elders of True North. I belong to a Life Group in order to know others and be known by them. To that end, I consider unity in the Church an attainable goal I am contributing to by:
- Acting in love toward the other members of True North
- Choosing not to gossip, slander, bear false witness against, or otherwise create personal division between myself and another member
- Willingly working with believers and churches of denominations and backgrounds that are different from my own
I BECOME like Jesus by building my life on His word and example. Submitted to the Holy Spirit and eager to receive His guidance, I am pursuing a renewed mind, gracious language, and a right understanding of the Scriptures. I become more Christ-like by:
- Practicing service and self-sacrifice on behalf of the saved and the lost
- Engaging with the preaching and teaching of True North Church
- Participating in mutually beneficial discipleship processes
I BEHOLD Jesus, exalted above everything else in my life. I understand beholding Jesus to be necessary for me to keep Jesus at the center of my life. I behold Jesus by meditating on His teaching, adoring Him personally, and acting in faith on His commands. I work to keep my eyes on Jesus by:
- Participating in corporate worship and prayer
- Worshipping God individually and regularly
- Expecting to encounter Him in every part of Scripture
I SHARE what I have seen and experienced: Jesus’ love and death in the place of sinners. I communicate my own encounter with grace explicitly, with my own words, inviting my neighbors to meet Jesus. I understand my own voice to be a part of God’s ordained means of grace to those around me. I am preparing to speak about Jesus by:
- Praying for those I know who have not met Jesus
- Extending friendship to the unchurched and dechurched
- Asking God to calm my fear of sharing and teach me to trust Him
I SHOW mercy to my neighbors in Jesus’ name and for Jesus’ sake. I approach those in need and I welcome those who approach me in need. Jesus is the ultimate object of my love, but I love Him by loving others. I show mercy to my neighbors by:
- Defending the weak and disadvantaged
- Providing for the basic needs of the hungry, thirsty, and sick
- Caring for those who have nothing to offer me in return
I SHAPE my community with hope. At True North Church, our hope is in Jesus alone, so His words and His works direct our ministry to the community. I believe that God’s redemptive motion in my life is evidence of a hope that is bigger than individual success, personal happiness, or physical comfort. I intend to shape my community by:
- Regarding my neighbors as wholly human and valuable to God
- Participating in the life of my city in order to know and be known by the lost
- Following God’s lead, even as He may call me away from the fellowship of this body for the sake of His Gospel