True North Kids is built around a simple concept:
Jesus is the hero.
Each Sunday, your child will experience the excitement of a service designed especially for them that allows them to worship the way they are wired. The lessons are fun and approachable and taught by committed volunteers and staff who serve Jesus by serving you and your kids. Ultimately, the goal of True North Kids is to get kids excited about Jesus and to get families talking about Jesus together throughout the week.
New City Catechism.
Question 15: Since no one can keep the law, what is its purpose?
Answer - That we may know the only nature of God, and the sinful nature of our hearts, and thus our need of a Savior.
What to Expect
When you arrive at True North, one of our trained children's ministry leaders will help you check in your children. From there, your family is invited to worship with us in song. Children grades 5th and younger will be dismissed from the auditorium before the teaching begins. Children receive a lesson that is appropriate for their age and learning level.
If during the service your child needs you, the Director of Kids will send you a text message or personally locate you in the auditorium. Your child’s safety and care is our greatest desire. For more information about True North Kids, contact Megan Howes.